The cost of living crisis is affecting families up and down the country, with families managing food allergies being hit harder than most. Where families don’t always have a choice to buy the budget brand or the food on offer, families managing allergies must stick to ‘free from’ brands or other products which they know to be safe and trust.

According to the Foods Standard Agency, ‘for every £1 a family without allergies spends on food, a family living with food allergies spends an extra 14p.’ With the price of food increasing drastically in recent months, many families with allergies are feeling the pinch.

As a result, Allergy & Asthma Parents have bought and distributed unopened food and other allergy-related products (non-prescription items only) in order to offer valuable support to those in need. We are hoping this will help to alleviate some of the financial strain faced by families managing food allergies, enabling them to access the necessary items without incurring additional expense.

As a community support group we want to address these unique challenges faced by families, made only harder by the cost of living crisis, to make a positive difference in their lives.

As the free from pantry grows, we hope to be able to collaborate with local organisations, food banks and the relevant authorities to ensure effective coordination to maximise the impact of our efforts. By working together we hope to be able to alleviate some of the financial burden and contribute to a more inclusive and supportive allergy community.

Please contact us if you would like more information on our Free From Pantry and if we can support you in any way.