About Us

Allergy and Asthma Parents is a support group run by three parents of children with both IgE and non-IgE allergies, asthma, eczema and allergic rhinitis.

The main purpose of our group is to unite families of children with atopic conditions to create a safe environment to meet, offload, share and receive advice. At all of our meetings, we have a range of information from a number of allergy, asthma, eczema, mental health and general parenthood charities and organisations. We also offer a number of our own resources made from our personal experiences and feedback. Our group is welcoming and loving group, we take great pleasure in meeting with families, no matter where they are on their atopic journey.

The main ethos of our group is inclusion. We want to create a space where everyone feels safe, included and valued.

Allergy and Asthma Parents was established in 2019 and has grown and developed since it first began. As well as our active social media pages, we have found our WhatsApp group to be a wonderful resource for families and a place where friendships have blossomed and grown.

Once monthly we have our Stay Chat and Play sessions. These groups are available for families to come to come together, bring along the little ones if preferred and have a brew and a chin wag, whilst also having access to the wealth of resources. During these sessions, toys and activities are provided for the children, as well as a ‘safe’ drink and snack for all. Our Stay, Chat and Play sessions also provide our ‘Free From Library’, an array of books which are free for families to borrow and our ‘Free From Pantry’ where we aim to offer support to local families in need.

Another of our monthly groups include Sip and Support, a support group in the local pub. We bring along our information resources and trainer adrenaline auto-injectors, though this session is really a great opportunity for individuals to blow off steam, unload, lend a listening ear to another and offer your advice based on personal experience. Again, lifelong friendships have been formed in this group. It is laidback and relaxed and a safe space to talk.

Occasionally, Allergy and Asthma Parents offer courses and other more structured groups for those who wish to attend. Most recently we had First Aid training by Millie’s Trust, with a focus on allergies and asthma. We have also had mental health support groups with author and mental health advocate, Emma Amoscato.

If you would like any more information on the support that we offer, please don’t hesitate to get in touch: stockportallergyasthma@gmail.com